プライバシーポリシー– PrivacyPolicy –

最終更新 2024/09

https://ichiken-engineering.com(以下当サイト)運営者である イチケン/ICHIKEN は、当サイト上で提供するWebサービスの利用者(以下当サイト利用者)の個人情報について、以下のとおりプライバシーポリシーを定めます。


このサイトは イチケン/ICHIKEN の運営するブログ兼公式ホームページです。

当サイトのアドレスは https://ichiken-engineering.com/ 以下です。






  • ご本人様のご了承がある場合
  • 公的機関からの求めや法令等への協力のため、開示が必要となる場合





当サイト利用者はGoogleアカウントの広告設定ページ(https://adssettings.google.com/u/0/authenticated)で、パーソナライズ広告を無効にできます。(または、 aboutads.info のページにアクセスすることで、パーソナライズ広告掲載に使用される第三者配信事業者のCookieを無効にできます。)



本サイト上で掲載しているECサイトの商品リンク・埋め込みにつきましては、各ECサイトのアフィリエイトリンクが含まれている場合があります。なお、当サイト運営者である イチケン/ICHIKEN は












当サイト内で掲載している文章や画像などにつきましては、その一切の利用を禁止します。ただし、非商用利用かつ以下に該当する場合には当サイトおよび当サイト運営者である イチケン/ICHIKEN の許諾を得ることなく自由に使用することが可能です。

  • 教育関係者の利用、教育目的での利用等
  • フェアユースにあたるもの(フェアユースに関する取り決めのある地域に限る)
  • 当サイトに記載されているコンテンツのうち、パブリックドメインにあたるもの





Last updated 2024/09

(hereinafter referred to as “this site”) is operated by Ichiken/ICHIKEN, and the following privacy policy applies to the personal information of users of the web services provided on this site (hereinafter referred to as “users of this site”).

About this site

This site is a blog and official website operated by Ichiken/ICHIKEN.

The address of this site is https://ichiken-engineering.com/ or below.

Purpose of use of personal information

On this site, when posting comments or making inquiries, we may ask you to provide personal information such as your name and email address. This personal information is mainly used to reply to your questions and to contact you by email with any necessary information, and we will not use it for any other purpose than that for which you provided it.

Please note that this privacy policy also applies to inquiries to Ichiken made outside of this website.

Disclosure of personal information to third parties

On this website, personal information is managed appropriately and will not be disclosed to third parties except in the following cases.

  • When the individual in question has given their consent
  • When disclosure is required in order to cooperate with requests from public institutions or comply with laws and regulations, etc.

Regarding the disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, and suspension of use of personal information

If you wish to have your personal data disclosed, corrected, added to, deleted or suspended, we will respond promptly after confirming your identity.

About advertising

This site uses an advertising service (Google Adsense) provided by a third party.
Cookies are used for advertising distribution, and by using these cookies, the advertising service distributor displays advertisements based on information from this site and other sites that you have accessed.

Users of this site can disable personalized ads on the Ads Settings page of their Google account (). (Alternatively, you can disable the cookies of third-party ad providers used to display personalized ads by visiting the aboutads.info page.

For more information about Google’s use of cookies in advertising, please see Google’s policies and terms page ().

About the affiliate program

The product links and embedded content on this site may include affiliate links for each e-commerce site. Furthermore, the operator of this site, Ichiken/ICHIKEN, is a member of the


About access analysis

This site uses Google Analytics, a web analytics tool provided by Google.

Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data. This traffic data is collected anonymously and does not identify individuals.

You can refuse the collection of this data by disabling cookies, so please check the settings of your browser.

In addition, when you leave a comment on this blog, your IP address is collected. This is a standard feature of the blog, and your IP address will not be used for any purpose other than to deal with spam and vandalism.


If you move to another site from this site via a link or banner, we will not be responsible for any information or services provided on the site you move to.

We make every effort to ensure that the content information on this site is as accurate as possible, but there may be cases where the information is incorrect or out of date.

Please note that we cannot accept any responsibility for any damages caused by the content of this website.


The use of any text or images published on this site is prohibited. However, if the use is non-commercial and falls under the following, it is possible to use it freely without obtaining the permission of this site or the site operator, Ichiken/ICHIKEN.

  • Use by those involved in education, use for educational purposes, etc.
  • Items that fall under the category of fair use (limited to areas with fair use agreements)
  • Of the content on this site, that which falls under the public domain

If you have any problems with this site, such as copyright or portrait rights infringement, please contact us. We will respond promptly.

Regarding changes to the privacy policy

This site complies with Japanese laws and regulations regarding personal information, and we will review the content of this policy from time to time and strive to improve it.

The latest version of the privacy policy will always be disclosed on this page.

Note.(This text was translated by DeepL.)